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Regain the Life You Once Had with Dental Implants of New Orleans

December 8, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 1:04 pm

older couple smiling and embracingYou can still remember how fun it used to be to head down to the French Quarter to celebrate Mardi Gras. Oh, the revelry and excitement of those days were beyond words. But, a life altering event would happen later – the loss of your teeth. And after that, you no longer felt the desire to smile and socialize with family and friends, let alone large crowds of people flooding the streets. The time has come, though, for you to make a change; you want your smile and confidence back. Dental implants of New Orleans are the route that you’re considering to restore your teeth, but you’d like to know more about the process before you commit. Thankfully, your local dentist has a wealth of information to share.


ClearCorrect vs. Invisalign: Which One Comes Out On Top?

November 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 5:16 pm

A pair of clear top and bottom retainers.As you’ve gotten older, you see family members and friends’ children get braces and it reminds you of your own teeth. Growing up, your parents might not have chosen to get you braces and as a result, you’re stuck with crooked teeth. You don’t have to settle for crooked teeth or braces anymore as an adult thanks to the solution clear retainers provide. In fact, the market has developed so much you now have multiple options; the biggest ones include Invisalign and ClearCorrect. If you’re considering clear retainers at your next dental visit, let your local dentist share the differences before you buy.


I Hate My Small Teeth. How Can I Fix Them?

October 28, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 6:58 pm

A man covering his smile.When you have small or misshapen teeth, it can affect they way feel about your smile. If you don’t feel confident about your smile, it may cause you to hide it, especially in social situations. When you don’t make the right first impression it can impact your personal and professional relationships because people may find you unapproachable or unhappy. If you are ready to improve the appearance of your smile porcelain veneers may be the right solution. Here’s how they work.


ClearCorrect vs Invisalign — Which Is Better?

September 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 12:25 am

clear bracesDo you have crooked teeth? You may be thinking about heading to your local dental care provider to talk about how you can achieve a straighter smile. You have lots of options in front of you, including choices that are free from the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces. Many people favor clear braces because they are convenient, nearly invisible, and very effective. But which type of clear braces are right for you? Both ClearCorrect and Invisalign offer numerous advantages. Here is a quick comparison of the two:


Fast, Convenient Professional Teeth Whitening in New Orleans

August 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 10:12 pm

teeth whitening white toothIn this day and age, convenience is the key to making any product successful. This may be why although many over-the-counter products don’t help patients achieve the whitening results that they truly want, many people continue to buy into them. Why? Because these products are easily accessible!

But did you know that there’s a convenient way to brighten your teeth with better quality products? Learn more about at-home teeth whitening in New Orleans.


5 Benefits of Dental Implants Over Other Tooth Replacements

July 28, 2017

Older man with attractive smile thanks to dental implantsDental implants are fast becoming the gold standard in tooth replacement. With a 95 to 98% success rate, decades of effective use, and natural feel and function, it’s no wonder that more dentists are recommending this one of a kind solution. Innovations in dental implant materials and methods have also made it possible for more patients than ever before to be considered successful candidates for dental implant tooth replacement. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or a full row of teeth, contact DeJong and Plaisance Family Dentistry to schedule your dental implant consultation. We’ll assess your smile, review your treatment options, and partner with you to select the ideal tooth replacement solutions for your unique, beautiful smile.

New Orleans Points Out Common Bad Dental Habits to Avoid

July 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 8:10 pm

Your New Orleans dentist can create a custom mouthguard for you. When it comes to taking care of your teeth, you may think you’re on top of it by brushing and flossing your teeth. In reality, you may have small habits that cause damage your teeth without even realizing it. Those habits combined with missing your semiannual dental appointments with your New Orleans dentist may out your smile at risk for injury or health concerns. Let’s take a look at some behaviors to avoid and how Dr. deJong and Dr. Plaisance can help keep your smile strong.


4 Myths Debunked: Truths About Teeth Whitening in New Orleans

May 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 10:44 am

We offer at-home professional teeth whitening in New Orleans.

When your teeth become discolored, it can be hard to focus on anything else when you open your mouth. After you brush your teeth, you used to feel so confident leaving the house with that fresh, minty feeling. Now when you smile at yourself in the mirror, all you feel is less than confident. Luckily, deJong & Plaisance Family Dentistry offers teeth whitening in New Orleans for patients that really want to brighten their smile. Professional teeth whitening can change your life for the better, and it’s important to understand that taking short cuts just won’t do the job like our professional products can. That’s why we’re here to debunk these whitening myths and help you avoid wasted time and money on generic bleaching results.


Clear Braces in New Orleans Straighten Smiles Invisibly

April 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 6:09 pm

Clear braces in New Orleans are removableMany teens and adults desire straight smiles, but they balk at the idea of wearing traditional wire and bracket braces. Frankly, who can blame them? Conventional metal braces feature an obvious appearance, lifestyle inconveniences and lengthy treatment times.

On the other hand, ClearCorrect aligners provide a wonderful alternative, and they are made in America, too. The team at DeJong & Plaisance Family Dentistry places these clear braces in New Orleans, giving patients with mild to moderate orthodontic problems (bite issues, tooth rotation, gaps, and crowding) healthier teeth and gums and the smile aesthetics they previously just dreamed about.



Come to Your New Orleans Full-service Dentist

March 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 8:59 pm

Dentist in New Orleans offers comprehensive careYour spouse needs root canal therapy for a failing tooth. Your dad wants some missing teeth replaced. You need sedation to ease you through your dental work. Where can you get all these services without driving all over the state? Why not visit your dentist in New Orleans at DeJong & Plaisance Family Dentistry where expertise and patient-centeredness of providing everything your family needs for outstanding oral health?


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