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Clear Braces in New Orleans Straighten Smiles Invisibly

April 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 6:09 pm

Clear braces in New Orleans are removableMany teens and adults desire straight smiles, but they balk at the idea of wearing traditional wire and bracket braces. Frankly, who can blame them? Conventional metal braces feature an obvious appearance, lifestyle inconveniences and lengthy treatment times.

On the other hand, ClearCorrect aligners provide a wonderful alternative, and they are made in America, too. The team at DeJong & Plaisance Family Dentistry places these clear braces in New Orleans, giving patients with mild to moderate orthodontic problems (bite issues, tooth rotation, gaps, and crowding) healthier teeth and gums and the smile aesthetics they previously just dreamed about.


Straight Teeth Equal Health and Self-confidence

Teeth that are crowded, gapped and poorly aligned are very difficult to keep clean. Tooth decay and gum disease readily develop as plaque and tartar build up. In addition, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) says poor smile aesthetics hurt an individual’s self-image and interpersonal relationships.

Research conducted for the AACD shows that attractive smiles help people both professionally and socially. Unfortunately, though, teens and adults dislike having to undergo orthodontic treatment with its dietary restrictions, complex hygiene routines, oral discomforts, lengthy dental appointments and obvious appearance. So, they simply stop smiling rather than getting braces.

The solution to their dilemma can be invisible acrylic aligners from ClearCorrect. Dr. deJong and Dr. Plaisance use ClearCorrect aligners in New Orleans to move crooked teeth into more attractive and healthier positions in less time than traditional braces can.

Treatment with ClearCorrect

To start the treatment process, your dentist takes digital X-rays, photos, and oral impressions. He sends this information, along with his specific instructions, to a ClearCorrect lab where a technician custom-fabricates the clear acrylic aligners using a three-dimensional model of your mouth.

When you visit the office, you receive pairs of aligners to be worn 22 hours per day and changed according to your treatment plan. You remove them to eat and to brush and floss, and if you have a special occasion where there will be a lot of picture taking, you may remove them for that, too.

Over the next several months, your teeth will steadily move into proper alignment, but hardly anyone will notice your invisible braces. Your mouth will feel comfortable, and at the end of your treatment, your smile will be straight and dazzling. Drs. DeJong and Plaisance may recommend you wear a custom-fabricated retainer to keep your new smile well-aligned permanently.

You Can Feel Really Confident When You Smile

During and after your treatment with ClearCorrect, you can feel very confident in your personal appearance. Your teeth will be missing the gaps, crowding, overbite, underbite and other defects that have prevented you from feeling your very best.

Contact Us

The dedicated team at deJong and Plaisance Family Dentistry delivers comprehensive treatment plans aimed at keeping your teeth and gums at their brightest and healthiest. Orthodontic care is just one of the many services that they deliver so well that both dentists have been named Top Dentist by New Orleans Magazine for many years running.

If you would like a renewed smile, contact the office to schedule a ClearCorrect consultation. Find out what this innovative orthodontic system could do for your smile and your self-image, too.