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Why You Should Visit Your Dentist Before Hitting the Beach

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 3:14 pm
Beach-ready couple sitting on couch, using suitcases as footrests

If your summer vacation is in sight, you probably don’t want to think about doing anything else until you return. You’re ready to relax! Trying to squeeze in a dental visit before breaking out the Hawaiian shirts and sandals might not sound calming to you.

We feel you, but here’s the thing: if you don’t do it, there’s a chance your vacation might not be so breezy. Keep reading to learn how a quick dental checkup can give you have peace of mind during your summer fun.

Dental Checkups Prevent Dental Emergencies

Dentists refer to checkups and cleanings as “preventative care” for a reason. Statistically common dental emergencies such as uncomfortable cavities and gum disease can often be prevented with some professional oral hygiene. Plus, having your dentist double-check your oral health gives them a chance to spot any funny business. You’ll be able to fix damaged restorations or halt tooth decay before dental discomfort has a chance to ruin your vacation!

Professional Teeth Cleanings Get You Photo-Ready

In addition to removing any harmful bacteria that might have built up over the winter, a dental cleaning will also add some sparkle to your pearly whites! So take all the photos you want – you won’t see plaque between your teeth or suspicious coatings on your enamel.

If you feel like going the extra mile for a supermodel smile, consider asking your dentist for a take-home whitening kit while you’re in the office. You can always have your teeth whitened in the patient chair, but a take-home kit allows you to whiten your teeth on the go. You could enjoy the process from the comfort of your own beach chair!

A Completed Checklist Helps You Decompress

Vacation is often so relaxing that returning home is actually pretty tiring. For the first week (or more) after your trip, you’ll likely just want to decompress and forget about making appointments. By the time you get around to calling your dentist, it could be well into fall. Schedules will start filling up again, meaning it will be difficult to squeeze in two dental visits before the year is over.

Going to at least one of your biannual checkups now is like making sure the dishes are clean before you leave. You do it so that when you come home, you’re not immediately stressed out by pending chores! In that sense, a pre-vacation trip to the dentist will give you peace of mind during and after your festivities.

It would be difficult to fully enjoy yourself on vacation if a toothache, dental blemish, or your to-do list was lurking in the back of your mind. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to avoid this unpleasantness. Simply check in with your dentist before checking in to your flight, so you can be footloose and carefree!

About the Practice

Our team at DeJong, Plaisance, and Bostick Family Dentistry knows that dental care can be uncomfortable for many people. That’s why we welcome you with a friendly atmosphere, little-to-no wait times, and plenty of accommodation. We’ll even offer you a blanket and pillow! To contact our office, call 504-738-5171. Making your visit as relaxing as possible is what we do, so you can trust us to help you kickstart a restful summer vacation.

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