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Creating Beautiful Smiles in River Ridge

If you've worked hard to build a mature, professional image, the thought of relying on traditional braces might be enough to scare you away from your dream of a straighter, more beautiful smile. There's more than one way for you to reach your goal. Traditional braces are one way, and then there's a clear alternative like ClearCorrect. With ClearCorrect, our River Ridge patients enjoy treatment that's more comfortable and convenient as they work their way towards a better smile. Patients from all over The West Bank and beyond are encouraged to contact us today and schedule a first appointment for you or a loved one!

How Does ClearCorrect Work?

ClearCorrect doesn't rely on metal brackets and wires to move teeth. Instead, it uses a series of clear, custom-molded aligners to get the job done. What's more, instead of coming to our River Ridge office for adjustments, you'll actually move through a series of aligners as your treatment progresses, with each one bringing you closer and closer to your smile's ideal alignment.

Your treatment begins with a visit to Dr. Kerry and Dr. deJong's River Ridge dental office. During your visit, your doctor will talk to you about treatment and will create a detailed treatment plan using 3D models of your smile. Then, once your treatment plan has been put together, a ClearCorrect lab will create your aligners based on that plan.

The Benefits of ClearCorrect

Aside from providing patients with a more comfortable and convenient solution for straightening teeth, ClearCorrect braces are also removable. That means they can be taken out for meals and to brush and floss. As a result, you keep your teeth cleaner as you work toward your goal of a more beautiful smile. With traditional braces, food can become trapped around the brackets and wires creating the potential for tooth decay and gum disease. With ClearCorrect, your smile can stay healthier as your treatment progresses.

Understanding the Cost of ClearCorrect

patient smiling at dental assistant

All too often, patients are hesitant to talk about the price of the treatment they are interested in. In fact, they may never even schedule a consultation for that very reason. If that’s what’s been holding you back, then you’ll be happy to know that our River Ridge dental team is here to help make navigating the cost of ClearCorrect easy. We’ve even dedicated this next section to covering more information on this topic so you can continue your research right here!

Factors That Affect the Cost of ClearCorrect

patient and dentist smiling while reviewing xray

It’s common for patients to assume that there is a flat fee for ClearCorrect. That’s not the case because every treatment plan is customized to the patient’s unique dental needs, including how misaligned their teeth are, if single-arch treatment is possible, how many aligners are needed, and if their dental insurance provider will cover a portion of the cost. Once we have all of this information (which we will determine at your consultation), we can provide you with an estimate of the cost and review all of the financial solutions available to you.

ClearCorrect vs. Mail-In Aligners: Which Costs More?

dentist holding clear aligner with blue glove

If you’ve seen the ads on social media or the commercials on TV for mail-in aligners, then you know that they focus the majority of their message around the lower upfront cost. While they are cheaper, they aren’t better. That’s because these alternatives completely bypass the initial exam, rely on DIY impressions, aren’t supervised by licensed dental professionals, and don’t have support from professional organizations like the American Dental Association.

Does Dental Insurance Cover ClearCorrect?

woman filling out dental insurance form in lobby

Some dental insurance providers do cover a portion of the cost of ClearCorrect, which is why we always encourage our patients to read through the fine print on their dental plan to see what is and isn’t included. If you’re having trouble understanding your coverage, you’re more than welcome to ask us for help too! We’re proud to work with many popular providers, including Cigna and Delta Dental, which means we have the experience necessary to help you understand and maximize your benefits.

Options for Making ClearCorrect Affordable

patient reclined in treatment chair smiling

If you’re currently uninsured, don’t worry – dental insurance isn’t the only way to make the cost of ClearCorrect more affordable. In fact, we welcome CareCredit at our River Ridge dental office. This third-party financier offers several payment plans, which means that you won’t have to pay for the entire cost of your orthodontic treatment at once. Instead, you can break down the payments into smaller, budget-friendly chunks over the course of several months!